VIRAL, feature film directed by Lucas Figueroa, with screenplay by Figueroa and Javier Pascual, produced by LMF Films and starring Dafné Fernández, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Pablo Rivero, Juan Blanco, Pedro Casablanc, Aura Garrido, Amparo Valle, Enrique Villén and Maxim Huerta among others. It will be presented at the upcoming Malaga Film Festival.
The soundtrack has been recorded in Hungary by the Budapest Art Orchestra, with additional recordings in Los Angeles and Madrid.
The process wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the amazing team who helped me with the score: Pablo Trujillo, Amparo Edo Biol, Guillermo Marín, Maureen Choi, Vicente Ortiz Gimeno and Antonio Andrade, who did all an amazing and exceptional job.
VIRAL also includes the collaboration of the well known Spanish boy-band Auryn, who composed the main song of the film, titled VIRAL.
The OST and the song will be released soon. More info at
You can also check some excerpts from the soundtrack HERE.